Board of directors possesses vast knowledge in the international business and the activated carbon sector. Setting up the strategic business direction is the primary responsibility of the board of directors and experienced staff will be hired for the operational aspect of the company. Brief description of board of directors and their specialties are stated below

Srilal Weerasinghe ,PhD (IICUT -Cambodia) MBA (UK) , FCIM (UK) , CMSLIM (Certified Member ) , MIM (SL)
Founder /Managing Director / CEO
Highly entrepreneurial and started his own business in the activated carbon sector. Mr Weerasinghe has been actively involved in the activated carbon industry as a senior and well-known figure for more than 15 years overlooking businesses and researches. He has served as the Founder / Managing Director/CEO of Chirathma International Pvt Ltd/ Chirathma Carbon, Sri Lanka, for more than 20 years, which is one of the leading activated carbon suppliers in the world. He has groomed this company as the most sought after activated carbon supplier of the world in various kind of carbon such as coconut shells, Coal, wood, and petrochemical based. This was evident by his business ventures established in various parts of the world including USA, Netherland, South Africa, India, China, South Korea, Japan, UK , Germany , South America and Middle East . He also involves in all strategic decisions of the board. He is the focal point which coordinate Production, Finance, and Export functions for the smooth operation of the Company.
Mr. Weerasinghe possesses an immense knowledge in related to Production, Quality, and Marketing aspects of activated carbon and charcoal industry. There is only limited number of professionals available in the world with this expertise. It is extremely difficult to find professionals with this rare expertise whom can manage the entire spectrum of the activated carbon industry. He is one of the veterans in the famous ‘Shell to Carbon’ concept who can handle the entire process.
Also in additional to that, he is working as Asia Representative for American Activated Carbon Corp –USA, Sufoquimica SA – Colombia , Executive Director for Global Sales for United Carbon Solutions (Pvt ) Ltd – India .

Prof K.D.N.Weerasinghe (Hons 1st class ),( Ph.D,)
Engineer Agronomist Consultant
K.D.N.Weerasinghe (Hons 1st class ),( Ph.D,) Engineer Agronomist ; Prof. Emeritus & Ashoka Fellow for social innovation; Founder head and Chair of the Agric. Engineering Dept. Univ. of Ruhuna ( 2003-2014 ) and Dean of the faculty of Agriculture ( 2001-2007 ), Director De Research (ORSTOM, France 1990 ), Consultant Asian Disaster Preparedness center, ( ADPC ,Bangkok 2011- 2014 ), Partner of the EU support programs Erasmus plus, on Advancing skill Creation to enhance transformation, ( ASCENT 2016-2019 ); Build Resilient Tropical Agric. Eco systems (BRITAE 2020-2023 ); Integrating Education with Consumer Behavior ( BECK 2018-2021 ).International exposure to attend Scientific meetings and Consultancy workshops in more than 25 Countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, US etc. Fluent in English, Russian, Sinhala ( mother Tounge ); French ( Average knowledge )
Winner of prestigious DAAD fellowship ( Germany ); Institute of Advanced Studies Durham Univ.( UK ) for Research Excellence. Avail National resilience award of Sri Lanka (2014, ), University Grants Commission, (UGC ) award for Research achievement ( 2004 ) Ruhuna Univ awards for Most outstanding promoter of the international relations (2004 ), most outstanding staff Inventor innovator 2005, Highest recipient of grants (2005 ), outstanding Senior Scholar (2006) . Gold medalist of Computer implemented inventions Taipei 2007, Suzhou China, (2008).
Author of more than 200 Research publications, Monographs and books; 5 patents in cinnamon mechanization, and hydroponics media development. Presently involve with the world bank project as a consultant on Agric. Sector Modernization, attached to Plantation ministry, Sri Lanka

Devni C Weerasinghe
Director – Operation
Young under graduate with having highly interest of entreprenership and customer management, processes, and systems. Also holds responsibilities in operation/marketing. Follows the Business Management & Leadership degree at University of Coventry – UK .

Devmith C Weerasinghe
Director – Technical
Young entrepreneur who is in the process of completing Bachelor degree in Mechanical engineering at Deakin University – Australia , learning about CAD software’s such as auto desk inventor , hoping to gain more knowledge in these computer applications and specialize in automation aspect , highly interested in applying the knowledge of his education in entrepreneurship.

Nirosha G Weligalla
Director – Administration
Well experience and having excellent communication and organizational skills. She is well-versed in departmental procedures and policies and able to actively discover new ways to do the job more efficiently